The Electronic File Interchange (EFI) enables organizations that are approved by CMS as an EFI Organization (EFIO) to submit provider NPI applications and update NPI data electronically to NPPES, with minimal manual intervention. To perform this function, your organization must first register with NPI Enumerator by submitting a copy of the certification statement. The certification statement will be available to download once you complete the EFIO request. New EFI Organizations (EFIO) are notified by the NPI Enumerator when the EFIO request is approved and activated. New EFI Representatives (EOR) are notified by the NPI Enumerator when their EOR request is approved and activated.
EFI Access Request Grid¶
- EFI Access Request grid provides the following columns, enabling you to see the following information associated with your employers.
- EFIO ID: Electronic File Interchange Organization Identification Organization Name (LBN)
- EFIO Status: Your employers status as an EFI Organization
- Active: Your employer has been approved to be an EFI Organization (EFIO)
- Pending Approval: A request has been submitted for your employer to be an EFI Organization (EFIO) and is awaiting approval.
- Rejected: Your employer’s request to be an EFI Organization (EFIO) has been denied.
- EOR User Status: Your status as and EFI Organization Representative for your employer
- Active: User approved to submit files on behalf of the EFI organization User approved to submit files on behalf of the EFI organization You are approved to submit files on behalf of your EFI Organization
- Pending Approval: Your request to be an EOR for your employer has been submitted and is awaiting approval.
- Rejected: Your request to be an EOR for your employer has been rejected and you will not be allowed to access or manage EFI files for your employer
- Deactivated: Your request to be an EOR has been deactivated and you will no longer be allowed to access or manage EFI files for your employer
- Business Mailing Address: EFI Organization’s Mailing Address
- EFI Authorized Official
- Actions
- Request EFI Access: available when your employer’s EFIO status is not currently Active or Pending
- Request EOR Access: available when your employer’s EFIO status is Active and your EOR status is not currently Active or Pending
- Download the Certification Statement icon: available when your employer’s EFIO status in Pending
Request EFI Access¶
Upon selecting the Request EFI Access button you will be navigated to the EFI Organization Page.
Request EOR Access¶
Upon selecting the Request EOR Access button you will be navigated to the Electronic File Transfer Organization Representative (EOR) Page.
EFIO Certification Statement¶
- Upon selecting the downward arrow download icon a downloadable EFIO Certification Statement will be generated. The EFIO Certification Statement will be prepopulated with the following information:
- Organization name
- Authorized Official’s Name
- Authorized Official’s Title/Position
- Authorized Official’s telephone number
- Organization’s LBN
- Organization’s Business Mailing Address
Print, sign, and send the EFI Certification Statement to the Enumerator for approval.
EFIO Status Definitions¶
- Green - Active: Organization is approved to use NPPES EFI functionality.
- Blue - Pending Approval: Organization requested access to use NPPES EFI functionality, but approval is still pending (EFIO request is being processed).
- Red - Rejected: Organization denied access to the EFI functionality.
- Pink - Deactivated: Organization can no longer have access to the EFI functionality.
EOR Status Definitions¶
- Green - Active: User approved to submit files on behalf of the EFI organization.
- Blue - Pending Approval: User has requested access to start submitting files on behalf of the EFI organization.
- Red - Rejected: User access request denied.
- Pink - Deactivated: User access request is deactivated. User can no longer have access to the EFI organization.
EFI File Management Grid¶
EFI File allows you to access and manage all EFI files associated with the organizations for which you are an active EFI Organization representative.Note: EFI files that were uploaded prior to August 29, 2022 are no longer available.
- EFI Original File Name
- NPPES EFI Organization ID
- Organization (LBN)
- Upload Date
- Response File Size
- Last Generated Date
- File Type
- CSV: Coma Separated Values
- XML: Extensible Markup Language
- Status
- In Queue: File has been successfully uploaded and is waiting for the Enumerator to release for processing.
- In Process: File has been released by the Enumerator and is being processed.
- Error in Processing: System incurred an error while processing the file. Either the issue will be resolved and the file will be processed, or the file will end up being Rejected.
- Processing Completed: File was successfully processed and a Response file was generated.
- Rejected: File was rejected by the system based on either errors with the file structure or the percentage of erred records in the file.
- Removed: File has been archived and is no longer available for download.
- Actions
Download Icon: Available when file status is Processing Completed.
Delete Icon: Available when file status is In Queue.
- There are multiple ways that providers/EFIO can update their NPPES data using EFI.
- Using the EFI File Upload feature, EFIOs can extract the latest data from their client applications into a CSV or XML format then upload the file using the File Upload functionality in NPPES. This will override the existing NPPES information with the new updated information uploaded in the file.
- Using the NPI File Generator feature, which can be used to generate file data, update only the fields that need to be changed, and upload the file without requiring the EFIOs to have all the data. Below is an explanation of how each feature works:
Add additional Information using EFI Change Request CSV file.
EFI File Upload¶
- EFI Files of up to 20 MB maybe uploaded. If file size exceeds 20 MB, try to submit your data using multiple files instead of one large file.
- File Name should not contain spaces, or special characters.
Endpoint Use Terms and Conditions¶
Select the check box to confirm the information provided is accurate and can be shared electronically for healthcare information exchange purposes.
Select EFI Organization¶
Select your EFI Organization associated with the file being uploaded from the dropdown list.
Select a File to Upload¶
The following types of files are allowed to be uploaded:
Identify the file by selecting the Browse/Choose File button and select the desired file. Once you have found and selected the file to upload, select the Upload button.
- Browse/Choose File Button: Upon selecting the button a popup window will display allowing you to choose the file to be uploaded.
- Upload Button: Upon selecting the Upload button the file selected in the popup window will be uploaded.
Change Information using EFI¶
NPI File Generator
The NPI File Generator enables you to generate file data, update only the fields that need to be changed, and upload the file.
Enter NPIs¶
Enter at least one NPI in the search field to generate a file. Multiple comma separated NPIs may be entered in the search field, up to a maximum of 100 NPIs.
Correct Any Formatting Errors, if applicable¶
If an error message appears, correct the NPIs in the manner described.
- Clear Button (optional): Upon selecting the Clear button, all entries will be removed from the search field to start the NPI entry process again.
Generate the File¶
Once confirming any error messages are satisfactorily resolved, select the Generate XML File button to generate the file. The file will generate for NPIs that have no errors.
Correct Any Processing Errors, if applicable¶
If any NPIs entered into the search field could not be processed, a grid of Processing Errors will appear below, identifying each NPI and the reason it could not be generated in the file.
This applies to NPIs with active changes in progress, deactivated NPIs, NPIs that were not found, NPIs with privacy errors, or NPIs that are not supported by the EFI system.
- Export Errors to CSV (optional): Upon selecting this button, all processing errors contained in the grid will export into a CSV file. This step can help with troubleshooting errors, if needed.
Download the File¶
Once confirming any processing errors are satisfactorily resolved, select the Generate XML File button again to refresh the data, then select the Download XML File button.
Enter Changes and PII Information¶
The XML File will require that you fill in the following information needed for each NPI entry:
Provider Information (Type 1):
- Provider Identifier (SSN): Enter the Provider’s Social Security Number. This is a required field.
- Provider Birth Date: Enter the Provider’s Date of Birth. This is a required field.
- Contact Person Details: Add Contact Person attributes and data. For more information about Contact Person attributes in the file, please refer to the EFI Technical Companion Guide.
- Other 9-Digit Values: In rare cases, provider data may contain 9-Digit Values in other fields. Due to privacy rules, the XML will automatically remove these values. Please check the file and re-enter any needed 9-digit values before uploading.
Organization Information (Type 2):
- Employer Identification Number (EIN): Enter the Employer Identification Number for the Organization. This is a mandatory field.
- Parent Tax Identification Number (TIN): Enter the Tax Identification Number if the organization is a subpart of another organization. If the organization is not a subpart of another organization, this is not a required field.
- Contact Person Details: Add Contact Person attributes and data. For more information about Contact Person attributes in the file, please refer to the EFI Technical Companion Guide.
- Other 9-Digit Values: In rare cases, organizational data may contain 9-Digit Values in other fields. Due to privacy rules, the XML will automatically remove these values. Please check the file and re-enter any needed 9-digit values before uploading.
Upload the File¶
Select the Go back to EFI Main Page button at the bottom of the page to return to the Electronic File Management page and upload the file.
EFI CSV Change Request Upload¶
Upload EFI CSV Change Request File¶
The EFI CSV Change Request Upload Page may be used to add endpoint, taxonomy, practice location, contact information, and other identifier information to NPIs. You cannot modify or remove existing information using this feature. After uploading your file, the processing status of the NPIs included in the file will appear below.
Please follow the instructions below to successfully upload your file:
- Do Not leave this page or log out while the file upload is in progress. If you leave the page, you will not be able to access the uploaded NPI information for this upload.
- Create your change request using the New EFI Change Request CSV Files in the Additional Resources section on the Electronic File Management main page.
- You can upload additional practice locations, contact information, and taxonomy information using this feature, but you cannot change the primary practice location, etc. using this feature.
- Type of documents that can be uploaded should be formatted CSV files.
- There is a file size limitation.
- If file size exceeds the limitation, try to submit your data using multiple files instead of one large file.
- Only one file can be processed at a time. If you need to submit multiple files, please wait until the uploaded file is completely processed before uploading the next file.
- There is a limitation to how many NPIs can be uploaded in one file.
- File Name should not contain spaces or special characters.
Endpoint Use Terms and Conditions¶
Select the check box to confirm the information provided is accurate and can be shared electronically for healthcare information exchange purposes.
Select EFI Organization¶
Select the EFI Organization associated with the file being uploaded from the dropdown list.
Select File to Upload (CSV)¶
Select the “Browse/Choose File” button to choose which file to upload. After selecting the file, the file name will be displayed.
Clearing and Submitting¶
Select “Clear” to clear the current file.
Select “Upload” to upload the file.
Uploaded NPI Information¶
You can view uploaded NPI information here. Download the JSON File to keep the uploaded NPI information for your records. If any errors were found in an NPI record, the entire NPI record will be rejected.
Download the File¶
Select “Download JSON File” button to download a JSON file that shows all messages for the NPIs in the uploaded file.
Additional Resources¶
An Additional Resources section is provided at the bottom of the page and contains links to the EFI documentation. Each resource will show the Revised Date indicating the last time the resource/document was updated.
EFIOs are responsible for updating their EFI XML Schema utilizing the information provided in the documents listed below. Failure to do so could cause the uploaded EFI Files to either be rejected or not be processed correctly.
- EFI Summary - Provides a general overview of how the EFI process works [Adobe PDF File]
- EFI Technical Companion Guide - Contains information on how to format EFI data for submission [Adobe PDF File]
- EFI XML Schema - The XML Schema File for EFI [ZIP File]
- Sample EFI Files - Contains sample files of new NPI applications and change requests [Zip file]
- New EFI Change Request CSV Files - Revised - Contains new Change Request CSV template and sample files [Zip File]
When you select the Request EFI Access button from the Actions column in the EFI Access Request grid, you will be navigated to the Organization Name page. The Organization Name Page allows you to enter the EFI Organization information, the Authorized Official for the Organization information and the Electronic File Transfer Organization Representative (EOR) information.
EFI Organization Information¶
EFI Organization Name and other details:¶
- The following Information is collected for each EFI Organization. Fields marked with a red asterisk (*) are required.
- Employer Identification Number (EIN): Provide the Employer Identification Number of the Organization. This is a mandatory field.
- Organization Name (Legal Business Name): Provide the name of the organization, this is also the legal name of the organization. This is a mandatory field.
- Mailing Address Line 1: Provide the mailing address by typing in the Street Number and Name in the given space. This is a mandatory field.
- Mailing Address Line 2: Provide additional mailing address information by entering information such as the Apartment/Suite Number. This is a not a mandatory field.
- City: Provide the name of the City. This is a mandatory field.
- State: Select the State form the given drop down list. This is a mandatory field.
- Zip Code: Provide the Zip Code. This is a required field.
- Zip Code Extension: Provide the Zip Code Extension. This is a not a mandatory field.
- Telephone Number: Provide the Telephone Number. This is a required field.
- Extension: Provide Extension number if applicable. This is not a required field.
- Fax Number: Provide Fax number if available. This is not a required field.
Authorized Official For The Organization¶
The following Information is collected for each EFI Organization Authorized Official. Fields marked with a red asterisk (*) are required.
Authorized Officials Name and other details:¶
Provide the full legal name of the Authorized Official of the organization. This name must match the name on file with the Employer Identification Number (EIN). Prefix: Optionally provide the Authorized Official’s name prefix by providing one of the following:
- Dr.
- Miss
- Mr.
- Mrs.
- Ms.
- Prof.
- First Name: Provide the First name of the Authorized Official. This is a mandatory field.
- Middle Name: Provide the Middle Name of the Authorized Official. This is an optional field
- Last Name: Provide the Last Name of the Authorized Official. This is a mandatory field.
- Suffix: Optionally provide the Authorized Official’s name suffix if applicable by providing one of the following:
- I
- II
- IV
- V
- VI
- IX
- X
- Jr.
- Sr.
- Credentials: Optionally provide the Authorized Official’s credentials.
- Title/Position: Provide the Title and or Position of the Authorized Official of the Organization. This is a mandatory field.
- Telephone Number: Provide the Authorized Official’s Telephone Number. This is a required field.
- Extension: Provide the Authorized Official’s Telephone Number Extension number if applicable.
Electronic File Transfer Organization Representative (EOR)¶
Two radio buttons are provided to select if the organization is a subpart as Yes or No. If the organization is subpart of another organization then select the radio button ‘Yes’. If the organization is not a subpart of another organization then select a radio button that indicates as ‘No’.
Radio Buttons for EOR:¶
- Two radio buttons are provided with as statement asking ‘Do you want to be listed as an EOR for this Organization’ with following two options.
- Yes
- No
- When Yes is selected, the page will expand to allow you to enter your information. Your name will be populated for you from your I&A account. Please provide the missing data:
- Title/Position: This is a mandatory field.
- Email Address: This is a required field.
- Telephone Number: This is a required field.
- Extension: Provide the Telephone Number Extension if applicable.