Browser Information:

The NPPES system is most compatible with the following browsers:

  • Google Chrome V 102
  • Microsoft Edge V 102

Registered User Sign In:

Log in to view/update National Provider Identifier (NPI) records:

‘Sign In’ Button:

  • To view or modify NPI records you will be required to provide your I&A User ID and Password.
  • Enter User ID and Password in the provided space.

‘Forgot User ID or Password?’ Button:

If you have forgotten your User ID and/or Password, select the ‘FORGOT USER ID or PASSWORD?’ button and you will be navigated to I&A where you can select to either Retrieve Forgotten User ID or Reset Forgotten Password.

  • If you enter an incorrect User ID and Password combination three times, your User ID will be disabled.
  • Please contact the NPI Enumerator at 1-800-465-3203 if your account is disabled.

Create a New Account:

You need an Identity and Access Management System (I&A) User ID and Password to create and manage NPIs. If you do not have an I&A Account, select the ‘CREATE or MANAGE AN ACCOUNT’ button to go to I&A and create your account:

If you need to modify your I&A profile or gain access to a provider, select the ‘CREATE or MANAGE AN ACCOUNT’ button to be navigated to I&A.

Search NPI Registry:

If you wish to access the NPI Registry, select the provided link.


This section provides you with some useful information.


A carousel showing the relevant videos and images of tutorials and other subject matter information materials, like Medicare and you, understanding your Medicare Choices and how to create an I&A User ID and Password, and other frequently asked questions with clarifications.

Other Information:

The other relevant information includes about the administrative simplification provisions of health insurance portability, resources, and CMS & HHS Website links.


The Administrative simplification provisions of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPPA) mandated the adaptation of standard unique identifiers for health care providers and health plans.


This section includes links to the relevant information like application tips, the NPI application/ update paper form, NPI Final Rule, Enumerator Contact Information, etc.

CMS & HHS Websites:

This section includes links to the CMS and HHS Websites like Medicare.gov, MyMedicare.gov, StopMedicareFraud.gov, Medicaid.gov etc. HELP PAGES