Apply for National Provider Identifier (NPI)

Apply for a Type 1 individual Provider NPI or Type 2 Organization NPI. Individual Providers can only have one NPI, however, Organization Providers can have multiple NPIs.

Apply for an NPI for myself Button

Select the ‘Apply for an NPI for myself’ button if you are an individual who renders health care services. The NPI will be associated with you, not your specialty, or the location where you perform the service.

Upon selecting this button you will be navigated to the Provider Profile page with the provider information prepopulated from your I&A account.

Apply for an NPI for another Individual Button

Select the ‘Apply for an NPI for another Individual’ button if you are applying for an NPI for another individual who renders health care services. The NPI will be associated with the individual, not a specific location or specialty. Applying as: Upon selecting the Apply for an NPI for another individual Button, the system will display a popup window asking you to identify whether you are applying for an NPI as an employee of the provider or a surrogate for the provider.

  • As an employee of the Provider:
Upon selecting the radio button “As an employee of the provider” on the “Applying as” window, you will be navigated to the Provider Profile Page.
  • As a surrogate working on behalf of the provider:

Upon selecting the radio button “As a surrogate working on behalf of the provider” the system will ask you to identify which one of your employers is the surrogate organization. Upon selecting the employer you will be navigated to Provider Profile Page.

Apply for an NPI for an Organization Button

Apply for an NPI for an Organization if that Organization renders health care services, is a group practice, or furnishes health care supplies to patients.

  • I am an employee of the Organization

Upon selecting the radio button “I am an employee of the Organization” you will be navigated to the Introduction Page.

  • I am a Surrogate working on behalf of the Organization

Upon selecting the radio button “I am a Surrogate working on behalf of the Organization” the system will ask you to identify which one of your employers is the surrogate organization. Upon selecting the employer you will be navigated to the Introduction Page.

*Note: A Sole Proprietorship is not eligible for an Organizational NPI. If you are applying for an NPI for a sole proprietor please complete an Individual Provider application.

Manage Provider Information

Users will be able to view or modify NPI applications for the providers they have access to listed in a grid. If the provider has more than one NPI application, select the file icon in the Action column to view all NPIs associated with the provider.

Partially entered new NPI applications and changes to existing NPIs can be saved and submitted at a later time. However, after 30 days of inactivity (based on the last time the NPI application was updated), the request will be considered abandoned and the new application/changes will be discarded.

Users can filter the records provided in the grid by using the Search and Filter box functionality. Users can search and filter by relevant provider information displayed in the grid that includes, but is not limited to Provider’s Name, Telephone Number and NPI (limited to those providers and organizations with only 1 NPI).

To search for an organization with more than 1 NPI users will need to use the Search by NPI feature. This feature will return a single NPI when only one NPI exists for the organization or provider or will return the grouping of NPIs for the organization with multiple NPIs that the NPI belongs to. The user can then select the organization and see all the NPIs associated to it. This search requires the entry of the full (10 digit) NPI number.

My Provider Information Grid: My provider information grid provides the following columns.

  • Action
  • Icon Name Definition
    Expand Icon Expand Icon Select to view a list of NPI applications associated with an Organization Provider, when the Provider has more than 1 NPI.
    View Icon View Icon Select to view the data.
    Edit Icon Edit Icon Select to edit the data associated with the Edit Icon.
    Undo Icon Undo Icon Select to undo the changes made to the data.
    Resend Email Icon Resend Email Icon Select to resend the enumeration notification for the NPI.
    Deactivate Icon Deactivate Icon Select to Deactivate an NPI.
    Print Icon Print Icon Select to print the NPI application data.
    Delete Icon Delete Icon Select to delete the data associated with the Delete Icon.
    View Previous Comments Icon View Previous Comments Icon Enumerators can hover on this icon to see previous comments on the AI main page, or click to see all comments in NPI Status page.
    Certify NPI Icon Certify NPI Icon Select to View and Certify NPI Data.
    Type 1 Icon Type 1 Identifies the NPI as Type 1 NPI.
    Type 2 Icon Type 2 Identifies the NPI as Type 2 NPI.
  • NPI
    • Column will contain “Multiple NPIs” when the provider organization has more than one NPI associated with it.
    • Column will contain the NPI number if only one NPI is associated with the provider.
  • Type ICON identifying the NPI Type as being for an:
    • Individual
    • Organization
  • TIN (Tax Identifier Number)
    • EIN
    • SSN
    • ITIN
  • Legal Business Name
  • Primary Practice Location
  • Primary Taxonomy
  • Status
    • Multiple Status (when the provider organization has more than one NPI associated with it)
    • Active
    • Active with a Pending Change
    • Pending (with or without errors)
    • In Progress (NPI application is not complete and/or has not yet been submitted)
    • Rejected
    • Deactivated
  • Certification Date
Status Definitions
  • Green - Active. NPI Application is enumerated and NPI is currently active.
  • Orange - Active with a Pending Change. NPI is currently active, but a change has been requested and is pending processing.
  • Grey - Pending (with or without errors). NPI Application received and is currently pending processing.
  • Blue - In Progress/Change request in progress. NPI Application or change has been saved but not submitted. After 30 days of inactivity (based on the last time the NPI was updated), the request will be considered abandoned and the new application/changes will be discarded.
  • Red - Rejected. NPI Application Denied.
  • None - Deactivated. NPI is inactive and will not be displayed.

Manage Account and Provider Access Button: Select the ‘Manage Account and Provider Access’ button to navigate to the Identity & Access (I&A) Management System. Select this button if you need to do any of the following functions:

  • Need to update your User Profile
  • Need to Manage Access to your Providers NPI(s)
  • Need to request access to a Provider’s NPI(s)

Print Selection:

Upon selecting the Print Selection ‘Print’ icon you will be provided the following version of the application to view:

  • The Current Active NPI Record version (prior to change) of the application
  • Recently Modified Record version of the application

Upon selecting the version of the application, you will be provided the following version of the application to print:

  • One Page Summary
  • Entire NPI application