The Other Identifiers page is used to associate a provider’s identifiers with their NPI. NPPES collects both Endpoints and Identifiers assigned to providers by health insurers and Medicaid.

The fields for entering an Other Identifier are hidden until you expand them. If you are not going to add an Other Identifier to this NPI, you can click the Next button to continue the application. If you are going to add an Other Identifier to this NPI, you can click the “here” option to expand the page. If no data is entered into the expanded fields, upon return to this page, the fields will be hidden. If data is entered, the fields will always be expanded upon return to this page.

Other Identifiers (optional)

Associating Other Provider Identifiers with an NPI is optional. This information is publicly disseminated, so you should not enter PII (Personal Identifiable information) such as Drug Enforcement Administration Number (DEA), Social Security Number (SSN), IRS Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN), or Employer Identification Number (EIN) in this section. DO NOT report Medicare Identifiers in this section. These numbers will be of use in matching your NPI record to insurer’s records so you can continue to be recognized by insurers. If you don’t have such numbers, you are not required to obtain them. Legacy numbers may be entered in the Other Provider Identifiers section of the National Provider Identifier (NPI) application. The NPI Enumerator encourages Providers to provide this information, but if you are in doubt about whether to include them on your NPI application, please contact the health plans, with which you conduct business, for clarification. You may submit a maximum of 50 Other Provider Identifiers with an NPI.


Identify the issuer of the Other Identifier you are entering. MEDICAID: Select the ‘MEDICAID’ Radio button to enter your MEDICAID Identification Number Other, Specify: Select the ‘Other, Specify’ Radio button, to enter an identifier associated with a health plan other than Medicaid or Medicare (e.g., Blue Cross, Blue Shield, Aetna, Kaiser-Permanente, etc.). When entering an ‘Other, Specify’ the name of the health plan that assigned the identifier must be entered.

Identification Number:

Enter the identification number associated with the issuer you have selected

State Issued (if Applicable):

Select the State from the drop down box that is associated with the Other Identifier specified if applicable.

Other Identifiers Grid

The Other Identifiers Grid allows you to see all Other Identifiers that have been associated with the NPI.

For Security purposes your Identification Number will be masked if it matches the SSN/ITIN (on Type 1 NPIs) or the EIN (on Type 2 NPIs) of the provider on the NPI application.

You have the ability to sort the grid by Issuer or State.

If you wish to delete an Other Identifier, select the trash can ICON in the Actions column.

Other Identifier Section Buttons

The following are the other navigation button provided at the bottom of the Other Identifier Section on the Other Identifiers Page. Other Identifier Clear Button: Upon selecting the ‘Clear’ button the information populated in the provided spaces will be cleared. Other Identifier Save Button: Upon selecting the ‘Save’ button information populated in the provided spaces will be saved.

Other Identifier Page Navigation

Other Identifier Page Previous Button:

Upon selecting the ‘Previous’ button you will be navigated to the Address page.

Other Identifier Page Next Button:

Upon selecting the ‘Next’ button you will be navigated to Taxonomy Page.

Other Identifier Page Save & Exit Button:

Upon selecting the ‘Save & Exit Button’ button the entries made are saved and you will be navigated to the Main page.