A taxonomy code is a code that describes the Provider or Organization’s type, classification, and the area of specialization. Provider Taxonomy codes and their description can be found on the National Uniform Claim Committee's Website web page at

You are required to identify at least one taxonomy to associate with your NPI. If you identify more than one, you must identify which one is the primary taxonomy.

To enter a taxonomy code, start by entering either the taxonomy code, classification code, or specialty in the Choose Taxonomy Filter box. All taxonomies containing the data you enter will display in the dropdown Choose Taxonomy box, allowing you to select the appropriate one. Once you have selected the appropriate Taxonomy code, the corresponding fields below the search box will be populated.

Practice Type:

If an Individual Provider is a Sole Proprietor, you need to identify the Practice Type by selecting the appropriate radio button from the following:
  • Not a Group: Not a Group
  • 193200000X-Multi-Specialty Group: Groups having members with more than one Taxonomy
  • 193400000X-Single Specialty Group: Groups having members with one Taxonomy

Provider Type Code:

The Provider Type Code will be populated based on the taxonomy you select in the Taxonomy search box.

Classification Name/ Specialization:

Classification Name/ Specialization will be populated based on the Taxonomy you selected in the search box

License Number:

Enter the License number associated with the taxonomy if applicable. Some Taxonomies require a License and the system will prompt you for the License if one is required and you have not entered one.

Note: Individual Provider licenses should not be entered on Organization (Type 2) NPIs.

For Organizational providers, license Number is no longer collected by NPPES effective "09/10/2018"

State Issued:

Select Two digit State Code to identify the license issued by the State, when applicable.

Taxonomy Grid:

The Taxonomy Grid allows you to see all Taxonomies that have been associated with the NPI.

You have the ability to filter the list of Taxonomies that display in the grid by entering Taxonomy data from any column in the grid.

If you wish to edit the license number of a Taxonomy displayed in the grid, select the pencil ICON in the Actions column.

If you wish to delete a Taxonomy, select the trash can ICON in the Actions column.

Taxonomy Page Navigation:

The following are the other navigation button associated with the Taxonomy page.

Clear Button:

Upon selecting the ‘Clear’ button the information populated in the provided spaces will be cleared.

Save Button:

Upon selecting the ‘Save’ button information populated in the provided spaces will be saved.

Previous Button:

Upon selecting the ‘Previous’ button you will be navigated to the Other Identifiers page.

Next Button:

Upon selecting the ‘Next’ button you will be navigated to the Contact Information page.

Save & Exit Button:

Upon selecting the ‘Save & Exit’ button the entries made are saved and you will be navigated to the Main page.