The Upload and View Document page allows you to securely upload documentation relating to your NPI applications, specifically documentation that contains your personal information. If an enumerator needs additional information for processing your application, they may ask you to upload related documentation, for example, a picture of your social security card. You can view all of your uploaded documents on this page after they have uploaded successfully. You may not upload NPI applications.
Upload New Document:¶
- DO NOT Upload NPI Applications.
- When requested by the Enumerator Help Desk, upload supporting documents related to NPI applications.
- Type of documents that can be uploaded should be formatted PDF, GIF, or JPEG files.
- There is a file size limitation
- Multiple documents can be uploaded.
Select File to Upload (PDF, GIF, JPEG)¶
Select the “Choose File” button to choose which file to upload. After selecting the file, the file name will be displayed.
Comments - Include any case numbers, NPIs, or TIDs associated with the file¶
Fill out comments in the comments box.
Clearing and Submitting¶
Select “Clear” to clear the current file and comment.
Select “Upload” to upload the file.
Document Management¶
You can view uploaded documents.
The Document Management grid provides the following columns, enabling you to see the following information associated with your uploaded documents
- File Name
- Comment
- Date Added
- Action
View Icon: Select the View icon to download and view the uploaded document.